On Tue, May 14, 2002 at 06:35:52PM -0400, Stephen Adkins wrote:
> At 12:27 PM 5/11/2002 -0400, Stephen Adkins wrote:
> >Hi,
> ....
> >In preparation for a vote, I am requesting input from 
> >*everyone* on this list who engages in web application 
> >development or anything approximating "enterprise" 
> >development.
> I am being deafened by silence.


> So here is an additional qualification for voting:
> You must respond to my message (your answers may be brief)
> and/or participate in this discussion in order to qualify
> to vote later (I reserve the right make exceptions, but
> they will need to be for good reasons).

I haven't had the opportunity to look at P5EE::Blue lately.  Even
then, I couldn't readily see how POE fits into it, or I'd have done
some work in that direction.

-- Rocco Caputo / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / poe.perl.org / poe.sf.net

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