
We might call this Enterprise Perl Advocacy.
If anyone wants to organize this, let us all know.

We can also build tools for it using P5EEx::Blue.  ;-)


At 06:58 AM 7/31/2002 +0800, Gunther Birznieks wrote:
>One point that perhaps was touched upon but not covered well is that 
>usefulness of not only documentaiton but success stories in "Enterprise 
>Perl".  The other point was the lack of marketing capability that Perl has 
>as well.
>To further this, I am not sure if this would be useful but....
>What might be nice (but perhaps too overreaching) is an area of P5EE where 
>people can submit success stories and that they be categorized in P5EE 
>categories and a few other search fields in case someone wants to show 
>their organization who not only successfully used Perl, but also 
>successfully used it in the context they need it (eg web services, web app 
>architecture, caching, template, etc)
>For example:
>Title: Banking Portal
>P5EE Categories: Web Services, Web Application Framework, Persistent Perl 
>Engine, Templates, Middleware
>Web Service Implementation: SOAP::Lite 5.0
>Web Application Framework: SmartWorker 3.0
>Persistent Perl Engine: mod_perl 2.0
>Template System: Template Toolkit 10.0
>Middleware: POE 20.0, CORBA
>SmartWorker has succcessfully deployed Banking Portal for ZitiBank.com 
>using Perl's "Enterprise" tools satisfying 20 gazillion hits a day and 
>being developed in a record 1 week's time! An open web services 
>architecture allows other banks to integrate seamlessly to the portal and 
>has propelled Zitibank to the forefront of banking compared to the other 
>poor sap's using Microsoft in their portals.
>To some degree, this goes beyond a P5EE initiative and is perhaps something 
>that could be extended as a general advocacy initiative, but have a 
>searchable database of advocacy stories would be nice as well as one place 
>to go for those stories. People like Perrin have done a huge service by 
>writing up their success story of eToys or Ask about his ValueClick days.
>But these seem to me, to be "prose" and you have to kind of search around 
>for the story. So Perl.com publishes these things as formal 
>'articles'.  And mod_perl has some success stories. But these things are 
>distributed a bit.
>It would be nicer if mod_perl stories could point to something like 
>p5ee.org (or perladvocacy.org) /cgi-bin/search_success?category=mod_perl
>And SOAP::Lite success stories could be a link to the same database like
>The idea being that one place becomes known for being the place for people 
>to dump and search success stories. Perhaps a CPAN extension would also be 
>conceivable. If the stories are submitted to CPAN in an XML structure 
>defining the search fields then maybe a CPAN search could also search 
>success stories for example.
>At 01:24 AM 7/31/2002, Leon Brocard wrote:
>>Well, we had a BOF at OSCON and thanks to everyone who came. I'm
>>afraid I was a little tired by this time and may have been a little
>>negative, but here are a couple of things discussed:
>>Why do we want p5ee? To make more money and make it easier to get a
>>What is the easier way to get p5ee? Spend millions on marketing.
>>Where it is now? Nowhere.
>>Where are IT decisions made? By CTOs on the golf course.
>>Is J2EE any good? No, but it's a standard of sorts.
>>etc. etc.
>>to be honest we went around in circles, but an opinion is that perhaps
>>we shouldn't rewrite huge codebases without an aim but instead give
>>the P5EE stamp to high quality CPAN modules instead, eg DBI,
>>Cache::Cache, .... (this is where we got stuck).
>>Did I miss any other points? Any opinions?
>>Leon Brocard.............................http://www.astray.com/
>>.... "Careful. We don't want to learn from this." - Calvin
>Gunther Birznieks ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>eXtropia - The Open Web Technology Company
>Office: (65) 64791172 Mobile: (65) 96218290

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