On Tue, 9 May 2000, Dave Lippincott wrote:

> >Market share is gained by providing what users want.
> When my customers ask to pay $500 for a hand held that performs the same
> functionality that they currently get for $150 or when a customer requires
> that they play MP3 files while taking temperatures, then I'll start to worry
> about MS's influence.  But for right now, I don't desire to tackle Win2000
> (min suggested platform for the PocketPC development kit) even if its free.

Not trying to quibble over this but $500 vs $150.  Palm has a color
device and it cost $469 vs the $500.  Kind of unfair to compare a $500
Hp with a b/w palm, when palm also makes a color device.

If this $500 device is not going to fly, why did palm come out with a
$469 color device?  Because users demanded it.

Also, Win2000 is not the min configuration.  You can develop on Win95 or
Win98 (just can't use the emulator).  And you can also use the whole
thing on NT4.0.

The fact is the Palm philosophy is valid.  But I think a lot of users
want more that that.  And that will conflict with the palm
philosophy.  If the users don't want sound or color or larger
screens, then the CE devices will go away.  If they do, palm
will have to adopt and change.  Ulitmately the users will win out.


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