Audible has responded to inquiries about support for the new Stream. They say that it will be supported. I suspect that Audible considers it to be just a new generation of a player that is already supported. While support for the new Stream is good news, it would be even better if Audible would make a commitment to support all new devices designed for people with disabilities. I've already heard repeatedly on another list that everybody should be using main-stream commercial devices and that the market for specialty devices will soon be gone; don't need to hear all that again!

Gary King
----- Original Message ----- From: "brian parker" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2013 12:13 PM
Subject: re sound taxi

Hi joe, i want to convert audible files if it becomes necessary. at present the only way i can play them, is with my victorstream. i have been given to understand, that the new victrstream which has just come out, won't do this, as amazon, who i believe own audible, want people to play audible files with kindle. i got this information from a reliable source. brian.

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