you need to first go into settings to tell the program what output folder 
you want the results sent to, the format of the file being converted. Then 
you open the file you want converted and then start the conversion.
character is found in how you treat people who can't do anything for you.

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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "brian parker" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2013 12:43 PM
Subject: re sound taxi

Hi, this message  is for kevin minor who uses this programme. kevin,
i downloaded this programme with the help of my daughter, who
fortunately can see. jus as well she was here, as we had quite a job
to install it. now i am stuck. using my mouse pad, i found a button:
select file to convert. i pressed that, and found my list of files,
and promptly got stuck. waht should i have done after i found the
book i wanted to convert, and was resting on it. wat ever i did, i
could get no further. can you help kevin. brian.

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