Hi Samuel,

Thanks for your reply!
I am glad that most of your comments are addressed.
The reason why I use the "SHOULD" is that "MUST" may be too strong which 
mentioned by Andrew's comment.
I think it may be better to add PCErr message associated with "MUST" in case 
the PCE can not set it.
So I use the "SHOULD" and could change to "MUST" in the future with a PCErr 
code if necessary. Thanks!

Best Regards,


From: SamuelSidor(ssidor) <ssi...@cisco.com>
To: 熊泉00091065;
Cc: pce-cha...@ietf.org <pce-cha...@ietf.org>;d...@dhruvdhody.com 
<draft-peng-pce-entropy-label-posit...@ietf.org>;pce@ietf.org <pce@ietf.org>;
Date: 2024年02月20日 17:08
Subject: RE: [Pce] WG Adoption of draft-peng-pce-entropy-label-position-10

Thanks Quan,
Ack, I’m fine with your proposals + see inline <S> (I skipped most of them as 
you already responded and there was not much to discuss 😊 ).

From: xiong.q...@zte.com.cn <xiong.q...@zte.com.cn> 
 Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2024 3:23 AM
 To: Samuel Sidor (ssidor) <ssi...@cisco.com>
 Cc: pce-cha...@ietf.org; d...@dhruvdhody.com; 
draft-peng-pce-entropy-label-posit...@ietf.org; pce@ietf.org
 Subject: Re: [Pce] WG Adoption of draft-peng-pce-entropy-label-position-10

Hi Samuel,
Thanks for your detailed review and comments! Sorry for the delay due to the 
holiday.LoL. Happy Chinese New Year!
Please see inline with [Quan].
“…Label Indicator (ELI)/EL pairs SHOULD be inserted in the SR-MPLS label stack 
as per RFC8662…”.
Is it good to start using requirements in draft abstract like this (I consider 
it a bit non-standard looking into abstracts used in other RFCs)? I would use 
more generic wording to just say that RFC8662 is already explaining how Els how 
are supposed to be used in SR-MPLS label stack. Requirements language 
(including “SHOULD” is really defined in Section 2.2 only).
[Quan]: Thanks for your remind. I checked the RFC8662 section 7.1, it mentioned 
"In order for the EL to occur within the ERLD of LSRs along the path 
corresponding to a SPRING label stack, multiple <ELI, EL> pairs MAY be inserted 
in this label stack."  Would it be better to change it to "multiple Entropy 
Label Indicator (ELI)/EL pairs may be inserted in the SR-MPLS label stack. 
stack as per RFC8662." without using Requirements language?
<S> Sure, that should work.
“[RFC5440] describes the Path Computation Element Computation Protocol (PCEP) 
which is …“
Do you need to expand “PCEP” acronym again even if you expanded it already in 
draft title and abstract? Same potentially applies to EL/ELI/ELP
[Quan]: I think this is required when processing RFC. (And I also checked the 
existing RFC.)
“In some cases, the the controller(e.g. PCE)”
Double “the” and maybe add space after “controller”.
[Quan]:Thanks, I will fix it in next version.
Section 4.2:
“A PCE would also set this bit to 1 to indicate that the ELP information is 
included by PCE and encoded in the Path Computation Reply (PCRep) message as 
per [RFC5440]. And in a stateful PCE model, it also can be carried in Path 
Computation Update Request (PCUpd) message as per [RFC8231] or LSP Initiate 
Request (PCInitiate) message as per [RFC8281].”
It seems that for stateless it is “MUST” requirement and for stateful, it is 
“CAN” requirement. Isn’t it better to explicitly indicate for both whether PCE 
MUST do it or it is just optional and PCE may decide to do not set that flag at 
 [Quan]: Thanks for your comment. Would it be better to add that " The PCE 
SHOULD set this bit to 1 ... And in a stateful PCE model, it also CAN be 
carried in .... "
<S> Is it just “SHOULD” requirement for stateful and not MUST same way like it 
is done for stateless?
Section 4.3:
“E (ELP Configuration) : If this flag is set, the PCC SHOULD insert <ELI, EL> 
into the position after this SR-ERO subobject, otherwise it SHOULD not insert 
<ELI, EL> after this segment.”
You are indicating what PCC should do if flag is set (so I assume that PCE 
should set it, but it may be better to be explicit and say if “If this flag is 
set by PCE,…”). I can see that you are explaining briefly in next section, but 
it is still better to be clear. Maybe explain also whether PCC can set it by 
itself (e.g. if it wants to report state of existing LSP).
 [Quan]: Thanks for your comment. I think the ELP can only be computed by PCE, 
so the flag can only  be set by PCE. 
<S> Ack, I was just pointing out that it may be better to add some explicit 
statement to clarify that.
Section 5:
“And the SR path can also be initiated by PCE with PCInitiate or PCUpd message 
in stateful PCE mode.” 
It seems a bit misleading to say that SR path can be initiated by PCUpd.
“The SR path being received by PCC with SR-ERO segment list…”
Maybe “…received by PCC encoded in SR-ERO…” (without segment-list as you are 
already talking about SR path)
 [Quan]:Thanks, I will fix it in next version.
You defined 3 new flags, but what I’m missing a bit is any details about 
interaction between those flags. E.g. what will happen if capability was not 
advertised by E flag in LSP object is set? Is that allowed? Is it valid to 
include E flag in SR-ERO if it was not requested by PCC? If any of those will 
happen, should we have some PCError to reject them?
Is E flag from SR-ERO applicable to any SID type or are there cases, when it is 
not valid to include it (e.g. L2 Adj SID?) Should PCC just ignore that flag in 
such case?
Is E flag from SR-ERO applicable to RRO as well?
(I’m not pushing you to solve everything before adoption, just throwing ideas 
for improving 😊 )
  [Quan]:Yes, thanks for your great point. So far we only consider the normal 
use of the E bit and will consider other abnomal case in the future.
<S> Ack.
Section 7:
You should explicitly mention registry name from which you want to allocate
Consider if you need to add “Manageability Considerations” Section.
   [Quan]: Thanks, will consider to add in next version.
Best Regards,


From: SamuelSidor(ssidor) <ssi...@cisco.com>

To: 熊泉00091065;

Cc: pce-chairs <pce-cha...@ietf.org>;Dhruv Dhody 
<draft-peng-pce-entropy-label-posit...@ietf.org>;pce@ietf.org <pce@ietf.org>;

Date: 2024年02月07日 18:38

Subject: RE: [Pce] WG Adoption of draft-peng-pce-entropy-label-position-10

Hi Quan and PCE WG,
I support adoption of this draft with a few minor/not blocking comments (I 
reviewed v11 as a lot of comments were addressed, so to avoid commenting same 
thing again even if v10 is being adoption).
“…Label Indicator (ELI)/EL pairs SHOULD be inserted in the SR-MPLS label stack 
as per RFC8662…”.
Is it good to start using requirements in draft abstract like this (I consider 
it a bit non-standard looking into abstracts used in other RFCs)? I would use 
more generic wording to just say that RFC8662 is already explaining how Els how 
are supposed to be used in SR-MPLS label stack. Requirements language 
(including “SHOULD” is really defined in Section 2.2 only).
“[RFC5440] describes the Path Computation Element Computation Protocol (PCEP) 
which is …“
Do you need to expand “PCEP” acronym again even if you expanded it already in 
draft title and abstract? Same potentially applies to EL/ELI/ELP
“In some cases, the the controller(e.g. PCE)”
Double “the” and maybe add space after “controller”.
You are just pointing to terminology in other RFCs, but in the same time you 
are introducing a lot of new acronyms and expanding them directly in the text. 
For example in section 3:
“The Entropy Readable Label Depth (ERLD) is defined as the number of labels 
which m…”
“… MSD (e.g. Base MPLS Imposition MSD (BMI-MSD) or ERLD-MSD) through Interior 
Gateway Protocol (IGP) and…”
Why not use this section to explain them?
Section 3:
“The PCEs could get the information of all nodes such as … through Interior 
Gateway Protocol (IGP)”
Isn’t it better to refer to BGP-LS as well? At least my understanding is that 
usage of BGP-LS as a source for topology for PCE is more standard than directly 
learning topology from IGP (but maybe that is me).
Section 4.1:
“…multiple ELI/EL pairs and and supports the results of SR path with ELP from 
Double “and”. I also assume that PCC really “supports the results of SR 
path-computation”  or it “supports SR path with ELP received from PCE”.
Section 4.2:
“A PCE would also set this bit to 1 to indicate that the ELP information is 
included by PCE and encoded in the Path Computation Reply (PCRep) message as 
per [RFC5440]. And in a stateful PCE model, it also can be carried in Path 
Computation Update Request (PCUpd) message as per [RFC8231] or LSP Initiate 
Request (PCInitiate) message as per [RFC8281].”
It seems that for stateless it is “MUST” requirement and for stateful, it is 
“CAN” requirement. Isn’t it better to explicitly indicate for both whether PCE 
MUST do it or it is just optional and PCE may decide to do not set that flag at 
Section 4.3:
“E (ELP Configuration) : If this flag is set, the PCC SHOULD insert <ELI, EL> 
into the position after this SR-ERO subobject, otherwise it SHOULD not insert 
<ELI, EL> after this segment.”
You are indicating what PCC should do if flag is set (so I assume that PCE 
should set it, but it may be better to be explicit and say if “If this flag is 
set by PCE,…”). I can see that you are explaining briefly in next section, but 
it is still better to be clear. Maybe explain also whether PCC can set it by 
itself (e.g. if it wants to report state of existing LSP).
Section 5:
“And the SR path can also be initiated by PCE with PCInitiate or PCUpd message 
in stateful PCE mode.”
It seems a bit misleading to say that SR path can be initiated by PCUpd.
“The SR path being received by PCC with SR-ERO segment list…”
Maybe “…received by PCC encoded in SR-ERO…” (without segment-list as you are 
already talking about SR path)
You defined 3 new flags, but what I’m missing a bit is any details about 
interaction between those flags. E.g. what will happen if capability was not 
advertised by E flag in LSP object is set? Is that allowed? Is it valid to 
include E flag in SR-ERO if it was not requested by PCC? If any of those will 
happen, should we have some PCError to reject them?
Is E flag from SR-ERO applicable to any SID type or are there cases, when it is 
not valid to include it (e.g. L2 Adj SID?) Should PCC just ignore that flag in 
such case?
Is E flag from SR-ERO applicable to RRO as well?
(I’m not pushing you to solve everything before adoption, just throwing ideas 
for improving 😊 )
Section 7:
You should explicitly mention registry name from which you want to allocate
Consider if you need to add “Manageability Considerations” Section.

From: Pce <pce-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of Dhruv Dhody
 Sent: Friday, January 26, 2024 5:49 PM
 To: pce@ietf.org
 Cc: pce-chairs <pce-cha...@ietf.org>; 
 Subject: [Pce] WG Adoption of draft-peng-pce-entropy-label-position-10


Hi WG,
 This email begins the WG adoption poll for 
 Should this draft be adopted by the PCE WG? Please state your reasons - Why / 
Why not? What needs to be fixed before or after adoption? Are you willing to 
work on this draft? Review comments should be posted to the list.
 Please respond by Monday 12th Feb 2024.
 Please be more vocal during WG polls!
 Dhruv & Julien
Pce mailing list

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