In a message dated 2/17/01 10:51:48 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

----- Original Message -----
From: Mafud
Subject: Re: Fast film to go with Porta 160

> *("Rating" film is a slide/B&W technique).

<< Could you expand on this thought please? Are you saying that people who 
shoot colour negative films are sloppy about technique?
 Bill >>

I said nor inferred no such thing. What it says is this is a list of people 
who shoot print and slide/transparency film, but slide and B&W shooters 
~habitually~ "rate" film where print shooters don't ~neccessarily~ have to. 
The reason ~why~ they "rate" film is to obtain denser slides; but you knew 
that. Print shooters don't ~usually~ *need* to rate print film and for all 
intents and purposes, it is a fruitless exercise. But you knew that too.

But all over the world, slide shooters have print shooters struggling to make 
images when they don't have to. Slide shooters ~need~ to know certain (slide 
exposing) techniques to be able to be successful photographers more often 
than not. 
Print shooters on the other hand, sometimes make lousy prints trying to use 
slide techniques (that simply don't work on prints) when all the print 
shooter has to do is set up normally and shoot. 
e.g.: Print shooters can most times  ~not~ use polarizers or ND filters in 
that print film does a far better job than slide emulsions in handling 
exposures with 3, 4 or 5 stop latitudes. 
*Slide shooters essentially need a "quiet" scene, the venue itself preferably 
falling within 1 or two stops latitude.
*"Rating"** an ISO 100 slide film at 80 or 64 is the norm for slide shooters. 
Not so with or for print shooters. 
Again, though some will deny, deny, deny my assertion, "rating" print film of 
any speed is a frivolous waste of time.  
**Slide shooters never "pull" film, they always "push" it. 

Shooting under strobe lights is a slide shooter's nightmare. All the 
shenanigans they go through just to get a proper exposure is just more time 
wasted for we print shooters.

<<Are you saying that people who shoot colour negative films are sloppy about 

What "technique?"  Slide "technique?" Color print shooters only need to know 
the proper exposure principals for exposing ~PRINT~ film. The topics on this 
list and most others is dominated by slide shooters and their "techniques." 
We print shooters are just along for the ride most times. Worse, the 
conversations and techniques nearly 100% of the time is related to the 
troubles slide shooters have. It's enough to give many print shooters 
complexes when their shots come out without all the shenanigans and worries. 
I stopped paying serious attention to "technique" talk long ago. I DON'T 
SHOOT SLIDES, thus whatever trouble slide shooters have making exposures has 
absolutely no effect on me. Nor do they AFFECT me.       
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