"Herb Chong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>once in 8 bit mode, converting back to 16 won't regain the 
>lost information. 

Right. But it's worth mentioning that if you're doing major levels
adjustment, it's best to work in 16-bit mode and then convert to 8-bit
for printing...even if that means converting an 8-bit image up to 16 and
then back to 8 after the adjustments are made. Gives a better result in
most cases.

>you are extracting from Canon RAW files though, right? it's stored 
>internally as 12 bits i think.

I think you're right about this. 12 bits (probably even 8) should be
fine as long as your scene doesn't have really huge dynamic range -
assuming you use your histogram to get the exposure right.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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