At 12:08 PM 6/8/2003 +0200, Bojidar Dimitrov wrote:

I do not think so.  I think that Pentax's future really lies in the
crippled (AKA FAJ-mount, AKA Kaf3), and if they are to do this thing,
then why not now?  For the kinds of customers that Pentax is after, it
really makes sense economically to leave out the aperture ring and the
aperture simulator.  These are complex mechanical shapes that require
lots of machining and complex assembly, and they are a source of
problems due to wear and tear.

What baffles me is that the Mz-S - just released a couple of years ago - not only supports the aperture ring but _needs_ it for aperture priority and metered manual operation. I don't think releasing a new, limited mount in the new flagship would have made a lot of sense, but if Pentax knew this was the direction they were going in why not include on-body aperture control?

Actually - forget the flagship - doesn't the whole Zx series need the aperture ring for anything but TV and program modes?

I can only see three explanations:

1. They are not planning to totally discontinue the support of aperture rings.

2. They really don't plan ahead or think through their marketing, and so released a flagship that will be severely limited with new lenses.

3. They plan to release a new flagship (and piss off all the folks who bought Mz-S's).

I suspect it's number 1. They aren't so stupid as to do #2, and don't have the funds to develop a new flagship for #3. While Pentax may ultimately move in the KAF-3 direction, I suspect it will be a more gradual transition.

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Mark Cassino
Kalamazoo, MI
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