On Tue, 4 Nov 2003, Bob Walkden wrote:

> Cartier-Bresson apparently has a near-perfect ability to judge the
> correct exposure without a meter at all. I believe some people on this
> list claim to be able to do that. I can do it for certain _very_ simple
> situations based around sunny-16 (well, it's not a matter of judgement
> but of experience).

I've found that after using the Pentax Spotmeter V for a while, I've
gotten pretty good at guessing the EV of a scene.  I haven't bothered to
come up with a quick way to translate that into speed/f-stop numbers in my
head yet, but I'll get around to it eventually.  For now it's pretty cool
to be able to look at a subject and calculate its EV, usually within 1/3
of an EV.


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