Bill Owens wrote:

> > Friday just gone, I had an immediate use for a DSLR, to 
> take photos of 
> > my youngest in a school 'play' (she's 5 next week, so it was only a 
> > small part), but I used the MX and Chinon flash for two reasons; 
> > firstly I can
> use
> > the MX to provide good results without thinking and I'd not 
> used the 
> > *ist
> D
> > before and two; - and I freely admit this is a bit sad - is I am so
> stunned
> > to have something new I wanted to view it in the box for a bit.
> This is an ideal setting for the *ist D, especially if you 
> can get on the stage before the performance.  Take a white 
> sheet of paper (the whiter the
> better) on the stage and manually set the white balance for 
> that lighting.
> Then, when you return to the audience, set the ISO to 
> whatever will give you a decent shutter speed for the 
> conditions.  1600 and 3200 may be noisy, but still a decent 
> image.  The noise can be cleaned up with some 3rd party 
> programs if it's really objectionable, but I find it no worse 
> than film grain.

Thanks Bill,

As I have the Christmas concerts coming up for all three children (!), I
will have ample opportunity to try this out. Many of our relations would
like the images sent by e-mail.

As I'm bloody minded, I'll still take pictures with the LX/MX and send


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