-- -----Original Message-----
-- From: Bill Owens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2003 11:59 AM
-- > Friday just gone, I had an immediate use for a DSLR, to
-- take photos of my
-- > youngest in a school 'play' (she's 5 next week, so it was
-- This is an ideal setting for the *ist D, especially if you
-- can get on the
-- stage before the performance.  Take a white sheet of paper
-- (the whiter the
-- better) on the stage and manually set the white balance for
-- that lighting.
-- Then, when you return to the audience, set the ISO to
-- whatever will give you
-- a decent shutter speed for the conditions.  1600 and 3200
-- Bill

I differ slightly in that I use a grey card to set my manual white balance.
Something I found that worked better when I first started using the Nikon
D1X and D1H.

I should try a comparison using both techniques.  I know that I have used a
white page in the pinch and have been happy with the results.  Though with
some thinking on the subject it would make me think that using a grey card
would allow some more lattitude in post processing...

Just an idle thought,

Panama City, Florida

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