----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chris Brogden"
Subject: Re: Vacation snaps with an Optio?

> Unfortunately, that's not going to work unless they plan on having very
> few keepers, and low res ones at that.  A 3MP p&s digital will produce a
> 3MP .jpg file somewhere in the range of 1-2MB, give or take.  Many email
> services limit your attachments to around 2MB, for the simple reason that
> files that large take a long time to send and receive.  Even upgraded
> Yahoo and Hotmail accounts only offer 10MB of mailbox storage.  If they
> have access to computers (presumably with CD-RW drives), perhaps they
> could burn CDs.  Mail a copy, keep a copy.

I just saw a 30 gig portable hard drive for what seemed pretty reasonable,
under 300 dollars, I think.
Are these things worth it?

William Robb

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