This one time, at band camp, "Herb Chong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> highly unlikely for a long time to come. if they can make a full frame
> sensor camera at an affordable price, they will be able to make an APS frame
> sensor at a much cheaper price. if the sensor also delivers as low noise as
> current APS sensors at about 8-10 megapixels, it will completely replace
> 35mm film. the point of going larger than APS is to replace medium format.

> > If Pentax are to release a 24x36mm CCD some time in the future,
> > the lense issue will cease to be. I dont see the point in buying
> > a bunch of new lenses to suit what will be obsolete very soon.

I guess the APS size will provide a cheap alternative, and if it can
do the job of current 35mm, all the better.

The Medium Format digital backs, such as this offering by Fuji
are still a long way off. So I guess there is plenty of time to sell
lenses specifically for the APS size sensor.

Kind regards

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Kevin Waterson
Port Macquarie, Australia

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