One of this month's photo mags has an article by a photographer about the world of professionals shooting at National Football League games in the US. Only the best of the best get press passes for those games - maybe 15 or 25 a game; the NFL is very stringent about giving out photo passes.

So, anyway, just for the story, this guy gets a pass, to tag along with a photog from a Boston daily. He goes into the photographer's room before the game, telling us briefly what equipment they're using. First he tells us about the cams and lenses (all digital, of course), and then he mentions that they've all got laptops, and further says that the vast majority of them are Macs (and, Tanya, in NA, PC's predominate for home use, I think).

I wondered if there's something about Macs that make them good for that application, ie: quickly editing then sending jpegs back to the paper/magazine immediately after the game.


"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert Oppenheimer

From: "Tanya Mayer Photography" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: laptop question...
Date: Sun, 4 Jan 2004 01:56:42 +1000

Cotty said: " You buy it. You take it out of the box. It works."

Yeah, but my credit card won't if I went out and bought that thing!

I have so much that I need to buy at the moment, and the laptop is one of
the things that I feel I can "scrimp" on a little, I really don't need
anything with the latest you-beaut, flasho technologies, just something that
can transfer my files from their respective CF Cards/Smartmedia cards to a
cd, and something that I can use to run a projected slideshow for clients at
their wedding receptions etc. One day, when I win the lottery, Cotty,
you'll be the first person that I turn to for advice...

BTW, as great as they are (and I HAVE worked with them whilst I was at
Uni.), Apple Macs are almost non-existent in this part of the world.  Not
trying to flame here, but I am dead serious, I have never seen one in this
town at all, and you cannot buy any software or hardware for them until you
hit Brisbane (which is 1500kms away!)...


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