On 3/1/04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:

>Based on my own observations in a working press room at CART races (not
>quite as exclusive as the NFL, or as big-budget, but still restricted)
>the Macs and PCs are both present in significant numbers.  Neither is
>dominant (unlike the North American laptop world in general).
>I'd be interested to know how many of those Macs were the top-end model.
>That wonderful 17" screen is something that might tempt me to a Mac.
>Sure, it's expensive.  But if you're an NFL photographer with three
>D2H bodies and tens of thousands of dollars in lenses round your neck
>the cost of the laptop is insignificant.  Plus, of course, many of those
>25 photographers will be with specific magazines, so the computer may
>well be provided by the magazine, not by the photographer.  That, too,
>will bias the choice towards a Mac - the pre-press industry has long
>been a Mac stronghold.
>Nowaday's there's no strong technical reason for either platform.
>If you like Macs, buy a Mac.  If Windows suits the way you work a
>little better, get a Windows XP notebook.

Well said John. Sound words.


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