
I think that you likely hit upon the higher ratio of Macs (whether as extreme as indicated in the article I read, or not) among NFL PJ's. Probably provided by their employers. The article did mention that basically, the only way to get a photo press pass anywhere in the NFL is to be emplyed by a major daily newspaper, major magazine or a wire service. There are very very few freelancers doing it anymore, and those ones have been doing it for years - basically those that pre-dated the NFL tightening of who gets passes.


"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert Oppenheimer

From: "John Francis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

<snip> Plus, of course, many of those
25 photographers will be with specific magazines, so the computer may
well be provided by the magazine, not by the photographer.  That, too,
will bias the choice towards a Mac - the pre-press industry has long
been a Mac stronghold.

Nowaday's there's no strong technical reason for either platform.
If you like Macs, buy a Mac.  If Windows suits the way you work a
little better, get a Windows XP notebook.

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