Back long ago when I sold real estate I had all these customers I showed around and very few sales. Then one day I woke up, and I did some figuring. I found that for someone to buy a house (and I mean the very cheapest house) in the area I was in they had to have an income of $50,000/year and $10,000 in the bank. None of the folks I had been driving around the county at my expense met those requirements. They were not potential customers, they were lookers. When I started pre-qualifying my customers I was a lot less busy, but I also was losing a lot less money.

By the way, I also ran into a few people who brought the cooler and the kids for a ride in the country at my expense. They always wanted to look at vacant acreage out in the boonies.


"You might as well accept people as they are,
you are not going to be able to change them anyway."

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