Bob W <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> What's interesting to speculate to me is what will happen in places
>> where there is *no* film processing infrastructure now. Digital kiosks
>> are much less expensive, smaller and easier to manage than C-41
>> minilabs. I wouldn't be surprised if some places go straight to digital
>> without ever getting film-based photography at all, just as there were
>> surely some places a hundred years ago that experienced photography
>> first as film and never went through the wet plate phase.
>a country needs a whole lot of other infrastructure in place to support

True. But you don't need computers for digital photography these days
(except in the most pedantic sense: that there computer chips built into
digital cameras, printers and card-reader/printer kiosks). 

>You can get a traditional photography business going
>without electricity if you really want to. 

I don't think you could get a modern C-41 or E6 photography business
going without electricity now. And that's the kind of thing consumers
want. I am really talking about consumer "get your prints done at the
corner shop" photography here. 

>That's what happened in Europe.

But I don't think that'll happen again. I expect photography won't get
to places where it doesn't exist now until *after* electricity reaches

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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