
I was not making that assumption or making that claim about film and
batteries, and I'm not making anti-digital arguments. You're putting
words into my mouth.

When was the last time you were in a 3rd world country? No need for
infrastructure to support a laptop? You make me laugh!


Thursday, January 29, 2004, 6:50:11 PM, you wrote:

> That makes the rather silly assumption that they would have to go through all 
> the steps it took to invent the technology to implement the technology today. 
> What you are saying is they would have to use film because they could not afford 
> the batteries for a digital camera. I say, If they could not afford batteries, 
> they could not afford film. You may need a lot of infrastructure to support a 
> 1950's mainframe, but you need none to support a modern laptop.

> I am at least as retro as anyone on this list, but even I find some of these 
> anti-digital arguments specious.

> Bob W wrote:
>> a country needs a whole lot of other infrastructure in place to support
>> computers. You can get a traditional photography business going
>> without electricity if you really want to. That's what happened in
>> Europe.

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