Maybe not, but what makes you think that film couldn't be sustained by small
local producers. Take a lesson from the Micro Brewery's. The largest, Boston
Brewing Co. has grown to a size that it no longer qualifies as Micro but they
make at most 1% or 2% of the product produced by the major brewers. Yet it's sold
nationwide in the US and often sells for no more than a 50% premium over the usual
swill. Why should film be any different. If the majors stop making it someone else

At 02:55 PM 1/29/04, you wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "graywolf"
Subject: Re: Film: And the Dead Shall Rise...

> I am at least as retro as anyone on this list, but even I find some of
> anti-digital arguments specious.

The really specious arguement is that somehow, a population of people living
in grass huts is somehow going to buy enough film to keep an industry
It ain't gonna happen that way.

William Robb

I drink to make other people interesting.
-- George Jean Nathan

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