On 15/2/04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:

>I'm not saying that any of the hallowed names would be using the latest 
>Canon digital DSLR with one of those anti-shake 1.8 ultra long papparazzi 
>zooms.  AFAIK, when HCB still uses a camera, it's the latest Leica RF - but 
>then he only uses cameras (if he does at all) to take family snaps.
>I wonder what they'd use today?

I don't think they would use anything we have today. I don't think they
exist today. Photography has changed - is still changing. The game is
played by different rules from what it used to be, and everything has
been done - we're all taking the same pictures that have already been
taken (and probably published) before. Even the professionals.

Not that that has to be a negative thing. On the contrary, it doesn't
bother me one jot. I still have a life to live, people to see, places to
visit, things to do, and photographs to make :-)


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