A big thankyou to all of you kind, considerate people who took it upon
yourselves to notice that I wrote to Wendy about the spelling of my name and
how I preferred it.

I have noticed you all taking the trouble to spell it correctly and I really
do appreciate it...!

Actually, now that I think about it, it kind of raises a question - do you
all think I would be better off using it for business purposes?  ie. Tanja
Mayer Photography.  I am just wondering if the benefit of it being so
memorable as a spelling would outweigh the diffulties people might have
actually spelling it.  Or do you think that it is better to have something
that is easier to spell and thus easier for prospective clients to "look me
up" on the internet/phone book etc.?

I originally wanted my business to be "Fotos by Fairy" (and I discussed this
with John, Jan and Ryan on Sat night), but chose to register
www.tanyamayer.com as my domain name etc instead so that it wouldn't be
limiting eg, I can use it for my makeup artistry etc as well as photography,
and just in case I should ever grow out of my "fairy" phase...

All thoughts greatly appreciated...


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