I like Tanja. I'm an ad guy, so I look for a different take on things in trying to promote a product. I would go with Tanja Mayer Photography. I might also suggest that you create stationery and busines cards with a nice T A N J A as your signature/logo. It's a beautiful name that conjures up a lot of imagery. Perfect for a creative person.
On Mar 2, 2004, at 1:25 PM, Tanya Mayer Photography wrote:

LOL @ Keith!

No Keith - your pronounciation would've been almost correct. It is actually
pronounced "Tarn-ya" or "Ten-ya" to the Aussie lingo-ists.

The story goes that my actual birth name is spelt Tanja, but here in Oz,
most locals (who don't usually have a wonderful grasp of correct English
grammar use and spellings) have difficulty comprehending how the letters
T-A-N-J-A can result with the pronounciation as above. Sooo, for business
purposes, I have adopted the spelling "Tanya".

I prefer my "true" name, and was just asking the list if I should stick with
the Tanya version or revert to my preferred "Tanja".

Concensus seems to be that to stick with Tanya would be better.

And to keep well away from anything "Fairy" related (which I kind of new
already - hence, www.tanyamayer.com and not www.fotosbyfairy.whatever).

Here in Oz, we also have the word Fairy meaning similar connotations to
those already posted.

Not sure about Bill Robb's interpretation of the "Fag" hanging from the
lip - might be a bit heavy and awkward, I would think...

Hardy Har Har!


Keith wrote:

Oh no! I've been offline and haven't been following this thread - don't
tell me it is a hard J, as in Jamaica!
It's a good thing I didn't pronounce it Ton-ya (phonetically) in public!
Next thing you'll be telling me it's Tan, as in the color, and 'juh' as
an ending.

If so, now I will next need the derivation!

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