Hi John,

John Forbes wrote:
> Fairy has lots of connotations, not many of them positive, unless your
> target market is four year-olds.
> Nowadays I believe your market is more likely to be hard-bitten types with
> green eyeshades and a fag stuck permanently to their lower lip.  

"Give me a lucifer to light my fag. . ."

No, the image is okay, the words are out of date.
Just ask me. . . nothing ever seems to mean what it used to!  <g>
Fags and fairys are out of style, and usage. . . in the U.S. anyhow.

> Or is my image of newspaper editors out-of-date?
> Well done with your first front page.
> John

Me TOO!  <g>

> And I vote for Tanja, too.  It's spelling, if not it's sound, rhymes with
> ganja, too, which takes me back to pleasant if fuzzy memories of Jamaica.

Oh no! I've been offline and haven't been following this thread - don't
tell me it is a hard J, as in Jamaica!
It's a good thing I didn't pronounce it Ton-ya (phonetically) in public!
Next thing you'll be telling me it's Tan, as in the color, and 'juh' as
an ending.

If so, now I will next need the derivation!

keith whaley

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