From: "Tanya Mayer Photography" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> just posting a link to a gallery of kid portraits that I shot yesterday for
> those who asked about portraits and the *istD.  The lighting was ideal for
> this shoot and the results were much, much better than the couple that I
> posted the other day.
> This little girl is a very unusual looking child, and it was hard to make
> her look "cute".

She doesn't look very unusual to me, and I do think she's cute, but I guess you meant 
"cute" as in kind of "fairy-cute"(?) or the like.

> PLUS, boy does she ever have an attitude, she DID NOT want
> to be photographed and is very intense and totally precocious!  She is two
> years old and was telling her mum to "Get Lost"!

Make a note of this, and remind her about it, when you do another portrait series of 
her in twenty years. (I'd love to see that.) In between make yourself available for 
shoots of her at intervals of a couple of years.

I think it's a great series of photographs. I feel like I've got a good glimpse of 
this young lady's personality. (I like the one you picked out too very much.)
There are many good shots. Some of my favourites are of the mother and daughter 
together. A few great ones there. Would have liked to see all of them in colour.
There is a (just) a handful that I would personally have left out for a presentation.

One thing about the framing: there is a tendency to put the subject in the middle of 
the horizontal(?) frames, which I think could have been a bit more varied.
Also there is a tendency to frame in to "half-body" shots, as well as - in my taste - 
cropping the top of her head a bit tight. I think this could have been varied to a 
greater extent too.
If this is your "style", I respect that, but as a viewer, I wouldn't mind some more 

These minor reflections of mine doesn't take away a bit of the fact that both you and 
the mother, as well as the young lady when she will review them at a later time, have 
all reasons to be very happy about what you produced.

(I am no expert on shooting flash, in fact I too await good advice on the questions 
you posed. However, I think some of the flash shots could digitally be made a bit 

Good work!
Thanks for sharing.


> Here's the link:
> I love this one...

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