Hello Steve,

Keep in mind that you are doing fill flash in daylight for portrait
distances.  It is low, but adequate.  I've got a couple of hundred
shots of weddings under my belt to be satisfied with it.

Best regards,

Thursday, March 11, 2004, 6:04:06 PM, you wrote:

SJ> What's the GN of the flash at 1/4000 sync though?


SJ> Bruce Dayton wrote:

>> Hello Tanya,
>> Not sure if you are aware, but the *istD coupled with the AF360FGZ can
>> do high speed synch at up to 1/4000.  Set the flash mode all the way
>> to the right (HSS) and set the camera to wireless/HSS.  Once you do
>> that, you can use all of your shutter speeds.  That, along with flash
>> compensation, is the big reason to use the AF360FGZ right now.
>> HTH,
>> Bruce
>> Thursday, March 11, 2004, 6:33:07 AM, you wrote:
>> TMP> So sorry!  I forgot to include the technical stuff!
>> TMP> Most of them were shot on AV at around f4-f6.7.  I didn't open my lenses too
>> TMP> wide as she was moving around to much and it was difficult to keep her in
>> TMP> focus.  Also, I actually had too much light and could only sync at 1/150th,
>> TMP> so I needed to stop down as far as I could to avoid overexposure.
>> TMP> Lenses - I used the Tamron 28-200 for a few of them (all would have been
>> TMP> around the 135-200mm mark), but most were shot with my Tamron 135mm f2.5.
>> TMP> It is an old, heavy all metal manual lens.  I LOVE this lens to death, it
>> TMP> yields beautiful results.  It is a little soft between f2.5 and f4 but that
>> TMP> is actually perfect for the portraits that I shoot.
>> TMP> Does anyone know anymore about this lens?  I have no idea about it - it was
>> TMP> one of my first every photography related Ebay purchases and it was a pure
>> TMP> fluke as I really had no idea what I was bidding on at the time.  Would love
>> TMP> to hear if anyone else has any experience with this lens?
>> TMP> tia,
>> TMP> tan.
>> TMP> -----Original Message-----
>> TMP> From: Hal & Sandra Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> TMP> Sent: Thursday, 11 March 2004 10:08 PM
>> TMP> Subject: Re: more stuff from fairygirl...
>> TMP> Some very nice shots! Please explain how you select lenses i.e. 90mm through
>> TMP> 200mm seem to produce good portraits in the right situation. You mention
>> TMP> 200mm for safe distance. Which others did you use?
>> TMP> ----- Original Message -----
>> TMP> From: "Tanya Mayer Photography" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> TMP> Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2004 3:14 AM
>> TMP> Subject: more stuff from fairygirl...
>>>>hi guys,
>>>>just posting a link to a gallery of kid portraits that I shot yesterday
>> TMP> for
>>>>those who asked about portraits and the *istD.  The lighting was ideal for
>>>>this shoot and the results were much, much better than the couple that I
>>>>posted the other day.
>>>>This little girl is a very unusual looking child, and it was hard to make
>>>>her look "cute".  PLUS, boy does she ever have an attitude, she DID NOT
>> TMP> want
>>>>to be photographed and is very intense and totally precocious!  She is two
>>>>years old and was telling her mum to "Get Lost"!  So initially, I had to
>>>>shoot without flash using a 200mm lens to keep a "safe" distance from her
>> TMP> to
>>>>capture her candidly.  Toward the end, she relaxed a little and I
>> TMP> distracted
>>>>her by bribing her with lollies and picking some lillies out of the water
>>>>for her to play with, so she became a little easier to work with.
>>>>Her mum is a good friend of mine who I have shot many times in the past
>>>>(whilst she was pregnant and when the little girl was a newborn), but this
>>>>time she insisted on paying me "properly" and on me treating her as I
>> TMP> would
>>>>a true client as she felt "sick of getting freebies" from me all the time.
>>>>It was really nice to be appreciated by a friend!
>>>>So, she is over the moon with the results, and I was quite happy too, I
>> TMP> can
>>>>definitely see my work with the *ist D improving as I get to know it
>>>>Still, I think there is a bit too much flash on some of those shots toward
>>>>the end - still learning about flash in a major way, so I expect that this
>>>>will improve over time...
>>>>Here's the link:
>>>>I love this one...
>>>>Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I may "soften" the effect of
>> TMP> the
>>>>flash?  I do have a diffuser over it, but I'm not getting hotspots
>> TMP> anyways,
>>>>which is a great thing.  I am just wanting to soften so that it doesn't
>>>>appear to dominate the entire picture, such as in this shot:
>>>>Obviously, I can't bounce it when I am shooting on location such as these.
>>>>Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
>>>>Ok, so I am off to Brisbane again in the morning, so may be a bit quiet
>>>>until Monday - will check my emails in my motel tomorrow night though, so
>>>>don't go talking behind my back, ok?!? lol...
>>>>Have a great weekend all!

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