So sorry!  I forgot to include the technical stuff!

Most of them were shot on AV at around f4-f6.7.  I didn't open my lenses too
wide as she was moving around to much and it was difficult to keep her in
focus.  Also, I actually had too much light and could only sync at 1/150th,
so I needed to stop down as far as I could to avoid overexposure.

Lenses - I used the Tamron 28-200 for a few of them (all would have been
around the 135-200mm mark), but most were shot with my Tamron 135mm f2.5.
It is an old, heavy all metal manual lens.  I LOVE this lens to death, it
yields beautiful results.  It is a little soft between f2.5 and f4 but that
is actually perfect for the portraits that I shoot.

Does anyone know anymore about this lens?  I have no idea about it - it was
one of my first every photography related Ebay purchases and it was a pure
fluke as I really had no idea what I was bidding on at the time.  Would love
to hear if anyone else has any experience with this lens?


-----Original Message-----
From: Hal & Sandra Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 11 March 2004 10:08 PM
Subject: Re: more stuff from fairygirl...

Some very nice shots! Please explain how you select lenses i.e. 90mm through
200mm seem to produce good portraits in the right situation. You mention
200mm for safe distance. Which others did you use?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tanya Mayer Photography" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2004 3:14 AM
Subject: more stuff from fairygirl...

> hi guys,
> just posting a link to a gallery of kid portraits that I shot yesterday
> those who asked about portraits and the *istD.  The lighting was ideal for
> this shoot and the results were much, much better than the couple that I
> posted the other day.
> This little girl is a very unusual looking child, and it was hard to make
> her look "cute".  PLUS, boy does she ever have an attitude, she DID NOT
> to be photographed and is very intense and totally precocious!  She is two
> years old and was telling her mum to "Get Lost"!  So initially, I had to
> shoot without flash using a 200mm lens to keep a "safe" distance from her
> capture her candidly.  Toward the end, she relaxed a little and I
> her by bribing her with lollies and picking some lillies out of the water
> for her to play with, so she became a little easier to work with.
> Her mum is a good friend of mine who I have shot many times in the past
> (whilst she was pregnant and when the little girl was a newborn), but this
> time she insisted on paying me "properly" and on me treating her as I
> a true client as she felt "sick of getting freebies" from me all the time.
> It was really nice to be appreciated by a friend!
> So, she is over the moon with the results, and I was quite happy too, I
> definitely see my work with the *ist D improving as I get to know it
> better...
> Still, I think there is a bit too much flash on some of those shots toward
> the end - still learning about flash in a major way, so I expect that this
> will improve over time...
> Here's the link:
> I love this one...
> Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I may "soften" the effect of
> flash?  I do have a diffuser over it, but I'm not getting hotspots
> which is a great thing.  I am just wanting to soften so that it doesn't
> appear to dominate the entire picture, such as in this shot:
> Obviously, I can't bounce it when I am shooting on location such as these.
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> Ok, so I am off to Brisbane again in the morning, so may be a bit quiet
> until Monday - will check my emails in my motel tomorrow night though, so
> don't go talking behind my back, ok?!? lol...
> Have a great weekend all!
> tan.

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