On 11 Mar 2004 at 19:14, Tanya Mayer Photography wrote:

> This little girl is a very unusual looking child, and it was hard to
> make her look "cute".  

What's this thing about "cute"? Everyone who's had children know what 
they can be like when they are two years old and discover that they 
actually can have a say in things. Most notably the word "no".

> PLUS, boy does she ever have an attitude, she
> DID NOT want to be photographed and is very intense and totally
> precocious!  She is two years old and was telling her mum to "Get
> Lost"!  

Sounds like a true toddler to me.

When I looked at the pictures, I could sense the attitude in that 
kid. She's probably going to be a little monster for a while, and 
then catch up with "cute" when it suits her. 

I'm not a portraits photographer, but your photos tell a good story 
about a young person. For that reason, I really like them. I can't 
tell you much about techniques and stuff, but as for capturing the 
nature of a strong-headed toddler, I'm impressed.


Photos at: http://www.oksne.net

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