
A good job of portaiture, that.

WRT your request for suggestions about flash....

> Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I may "soften" the effect of
> flash?  I do have a diffuser over it, but I'm not getting hotspots
> which is a great thing.  I am just wanting to soften so that it doesn't
> appear to dominate the entire picture, such as in this shot:
.... my preference when a portrait subject is in the shade, but the
background is fully lit, is to let the background overexpose about a stop.
This prevents the ambiguity of lighting where the shadows in the foreground
of the shot are brighter than the sunlight in the background, which draws
attention to the presence of the flash.  Simple as that, and the same thing
applies when the outside world is visible through an open window, it should
be brighter by at least a stop otherwise it doesn't look natural.

Anthony Farr

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