Hmmm ... You can "tool" the pics yourself in PS 7.0.  I'll
have to check PS 6.0 to see if there's any difference.  But
I do all the sizing, cropping, etc before hand, then using
S4W the file size and resolution are adjusted (not the image
dimensions).  Maybe elements is different than PS.



> I used save for the web feature in Elements and was unhappy with the results.
> Which means I'd rather "tool" them myself -- do any reduction myself. I have
> more control that way over the end quality as there are different reduction
> schemes and some are a lot better than others. And am pretty familiar doing
> image manipulation in PaintShop Pro (but not photos, graphic images. I guess one
> of these days I'll have to break down and get PhotoShop since PSP has no
> monitor profiling).
> Though Elements makes pretty good thumbnails.
> Marnie aka Doe  I guess I could get an older version of PS cheap. Or cheaper.

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