----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2004 12:13 AM
Subject: Re: OT? Advice wanted for setting up a web site

> Maybe this question has been answered already in this thread. But I
am trying
> to figure out how large to make my pics (not the thumbnails, what
you get
> when you click a thumbnail) when I throw them up on a page. You
know, starting
> from 15mm slides, turned into JPEGs. Good enough resolution, but
not so large
> that take too long to load.
> Any sizing parameters that anyone can offer me would be helpful.

We used 400x600 pixels on the PUG (and I recall there was much
wailing when Mark made this the maximum size) because it allows for
reasonable file sizes of less than 100KB (we set 75KB as maximum).
This was done to avoid server loading as much as possible, as at the
time there were concerns about the amount of HD capacity and
bandwidth we were using on the server.
I think for a personal space, somewhat larger pixel counts would be
reasonable, although I would watch the file sizes, as some people are
still on dial up.
I would stay under 800 pixels on the long side of a horizontal, and
under 550 pixels on the vertical myself, just to make sure the entire
picture can fit into most browser windows. This should allow for a
file size of less than 150kb as well.
Remember, the larger the pixel count, the more enticing the file is
to download for the viewers own purposes.
As an example, I have one of Mark Cassino's bugs on my desktop now.
This may bother some people who think their pictures shouldn't be
used without permission (though I did thank him for it).

William Robb

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