Actually, if one uses the Save for Web feature in PS, there
is even more control over the quality of the final image. 
100 steps in much smaller increments.  I can sometimes see a
difference between 100% and 80%.

BTW, the Save for Web feature allows up to four (maybe
more?) views of the image at different quality percentages,
so you can see exactly how the image will look before making
the final adjustment.


"Peter J. Alling" wrote:
> When using Jpeg you can change the compression quality, in photoshop it
> is measured in a value from 0 to 12
> others use a %.  You can balance quality vs. file size.  For web use I
> generally don't see a noticeable quality loss
> until the I'm well below 50% or a value of 6 on photoshop's scale.  This
> varies from image to image some are more
> susceptible to visible degradation than others.

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