mike wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Tried to send this offlist but it bounced for some reason.
>Mark Roberts wrote:
>> As long as we're on the subject...
>NS 4.7 on ME
>Staff photos page gives four columns but pics are piled all over each

Thanks. I know Netscape 4.x sometimes does goofy things with tables.
I'll see what's up here.

>No apparent content on Location, Cafe, Calendar and CU pages.

Oh yeah - there are lots of missing pages and pages with no content!
That stuff will come after the page is working properly.

>Nothing in the box on the right after Index page.

Same as above.

>Logo overlays address on About us (and horizontal bar on Contact) page.

Ah, that's one of the CSS incompatibilities with early Netscape
implementations of SCC. I'll see how to deal with that.

>Not obvious that the top left logo is a Home link.

Good point. I'll expend the ALT text.

>Bulk page not listed on left and not found from right box link.

Well not yet, anyway... :)

>Keep up the good work....

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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