As long as we're on the subject...

I've been doing a web page for my local organic food co-op and I'd like
to get some feedback regarding browser compatibility. Cotty checked it
out for me on his Mac and found a few peculiarities. I think I've fixed
them but you never know. I powered up my SO's old Mac Powerbook and
tested it in the latest Internet Explorer and Netscape 4.6 (I'm going to
load a newer version of Netscape on the Mac this afternoon). On my Win2k
machine I've checked it in Internet Explorer (5.5) , Mozilla (1.2.1) and
Netscape 3.0(!)
Only Netscape 3 gives any big problems; the JavaScript rollovers cause
all kinds of trouble. But since JavaScript has changed so much since its
introduction many JS sites give 3.0 fits. Netscape's own home page
crashes Netscape 3 entirely! I thus assume than anyone who's even
running 3.0 probably has JS turned off.
The site is currently at (don't have DNS yet).
Have a look for problems if you will.
I've used CSS for everything but layout - CSS layout still causes too
many compatibility problems with non-CSS browsers and even early
implementations of CSS (read: Netscape 4.x) for my taste.

Once again, that's

Much thanks.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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