On 15/6/04, STEVE DJ, discombobulated, offered:

>BTW, Cotty, there is a course in our English dept on fantasy literature
>and it includes some SciFi.  After many animated conversations in the
>gym, my colleague invited me to do 3 or 4 lectures on some books of my
>choosing.  I've now done this for the last 8 years, and I always enjoy
>playing Lit Critic under the watchful eye of a pro.  So, at least for a
>little bit, I get to talk about SciFi to a captive audience and get paid
>for it.
>Steve  (Your fellow Geek).

Okay, how cool is this: in 1974 when I was a freshman in High School, I
did a semester of Predictive Lit - which was basically reading and
writing sci-fi, and getting credits towards my English requirements.


Required reading: Asimov, Clarke, Farmer, and others.


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