Wednesday, June 16, 2004, 12:15:47 AM, Yefei wrote:
YH> Who's directing the film? It may end up the same disaster as 
YH> Hollywood's "Solaris" -- Average movie goers got bored by it, 
YH> fans of Tarkovsky's version despised it, and fans of 
YH> Stanislaw Lem's book hated it ( many of them felt Tarkovsky's 
YH> version fell short as well ). But since Will Smith is doing 
YH> the action, maybe average movie goers will like "I Robot". 

YH> Yefei

OMG, a film version of I,Robot? I must have completely missed the
news. If the Solaris analogy applies, I would dislike it, because I am
a lover of Tarkovskij version. And of Stanislaw Lem. BTW, how many US
PDMLers know St. Lem? Or brothers Strugackijs? These are one of the
world's best SF writers, from Poland and SSSR. I am interested how
well are they known outside.

More on the film versions, poor great PK Dick must be rotating in grave
because of all the bad adaptations of his work into movies. Except
Blade Runner, all of the other movies "hoovered" big time. It's
strange that of all writers, his were adapted often, but very badly.

Best regards,
   Frantisek Vlcek

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