Jon posted:
> I've been thinking about picking up another camera
> body, and I wanted some opinions. Things I'd like in
> order of importance are aperture priority and manual
> mode, ability to be motorized (my A3000 has spoiled
> me), DOF preview and MLU. 
> What I've given particular attention to is the LX
> (nice, very nice... but expensive), the K2DMD
> (seemingly uncommon, expensive compared to a regular
> K2), and the Super Program / Super A (common, cheap,
> lacks MLU and DOF preview).
> Anybody that's used any or all have any remarks about
> these, especially comparatively? Reading
> specifications only goes so far.

I've used the SuperProgram and the LX. No K2 but a KX, which I sold partly to 
finance the LX.
The SuperProgram does have DOF preview, by the way. But not MLU, you're right 
about that.
For me I prefer the LX to the SuperProgram, but that's because my LX gives me 
some options not available with the SuperProgram, specifically the mechanical 
shutter speeds. The SuperProgram, as you might have noticed, has a greater 
range of manually-selectable shutter speeds (you can go down to 4 seconds on 
the LX dial but you can select as long as 15 seconds on the Super Program) and 
the Super Program has a higher flash-sync speed. 
If anything else occurs to me I'll post some more.


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