The first one I rule out will be the K2DMD which is both rare and must be impossible to repair now. You would be luckiy if you could locate the motor drive too. The LX, while beloved by most Pentax fans, it suffers from questionable relabililty record and expensive service bills. Some might be worked with several times before it was trouble free. I conisder it belongs to those who have other backup cameras, and don't mind the extra cost. It is a sweet camera "when it works". The Super A/Program is my favour mainly for its good relibility record, like the ME Super, plus a few other nice features like DOF preview, TTL flash, and user removable screen to blow off the dust. The self-timer and 'A' contacts have the tendency to get dirty over the years so prepared to have them cleaned.

Alan Chan

I've been thinking about picking up another camera
body, and I wanted some opinions. Things I'd like in
order of importance are aperture priority and manual
mode, ability to be motorized (my A3000 has spoiled
me), DOF preview and MLU.

What I've given particular attention to is the LX
(nice, very nice... but expensive), the K2DMD
(seemingly uncommon, expensive compared to a regular
K2), and the Super Program / Super A (common, cheap,
lacks MLU and DOF preview).

Anybody that's used any or all have any remarks about
these, especially comparatively? Reading
specifications only goes so far.

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