Rob Studdert wrote:

> So who here has shed their excess film bodies in view of the 
> pending fate of film?

Not me.
> I have, I'm down to the smallest number of film bodies I've 
> had for many years and I don't expect the number to ever 
> increase either.

I caught myself looking at another LX last night :-(

I *like* digital a great deal, but for the photographs I really want, they
will most likely be done on film. Often the digital has been highly useful
in looking at pictures the same evening on the computer, which lead me to
re-taking certain scenes on film. I see digital as a means to an end,
whereas I enjoy my film cameras whilst using them as well. Judging from the
number here who have downsized or eliminated their film camera bodies, I
know I am very much in the minority. I wish I could quantify why the results
from the developers dropping on the doormat via the post are more special to
me than instant digital images, but I can't. I suppose I'll have to make the
most out of film whilst I can.


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