----- Original Message ----- 
From: Vic
Subject: Film vs Digita, was: lRe: Pentax is Dying?

> Not everybody wants to go competely digital. And until everyone
wants to deal
> with the whole digital issue, film will continue to be an option.
Are you sure?
What if only one person wants to shoot film? Will Kodak still make it
for him? And if so, how many different emulsions will be available.
And how many films will he have to buy?
How about the small players such as Forte?
Will they even be able to stay in business?

What people seem to forget is that the film market can only collapse
so far before it implodes.
I can assure you, the film market is collapsing.
The question is, how little film can be sold, and still allow
companies to make a profit on it?
And how few films are the labs willing to process before deeming it
not worthwhile?

William Robb

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