----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jerry Todd"
Subject: Re: Film vs Digita, was: lRe: Pentax is Dying?

> From what I see, Mr. Robb, you live outside of the USA, and I'd
> that what you are seeing and experiencing is relative to your
market and
> those in similar situations.

True, I live in Canada. We are a little slower to pick up on new
trends up here, I guess because it is so cold, everything just
happens slower.

<personal anecdote which applies to the poster's world snipped>

> I think film is far from dead, far from dying.  Digital is getting
a lot of
> attention, and may decimate if not destroy film some day.  Yet from
> Francisco to Singapore, in every city to which I've travelled,
there seems
> to be a lot of people using film and regular cameras.

It's not just my market. The PDML isn't the only group of people I
talk to. I work in the photo finishing industry, and have contacts in
the industry outside my market area.
Everyone is down.
My lab is doing remarkeably well at 50% down.
Some are down more.

Wish what you like, But daily, there are more people using digital
cameras, and fewer using film.
Ignore the numbers if you like, but they are there, and they don't
The camera makers are cutting back on film camera production.
The film makers are announcing cuts in film R&D and production.
Photo labs are processing less film.
What part of this don't you get?

William Robb

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