On 18 Jul 2004 at 22:52, William Robb wrote:

> What if gas went to 10 dollars a gallon rather than two?
> Would they take the bus then?

Ask Europeans these questions :-)

> What if film is 20 dollars a roll rather than two?

It almost is here and it's well over that after processing (Provia/Velvia)

> Will they still shoot it?
> Or will they just go out and buy a digital for a hundred bucks?
> Do you think that if the price of ink and paper increases by a huge
> factor that the price of getting film printed won't go up by the same
> margin?
> Or greater?

You are just too practical for your own good Bill.

> I assure you, I am seeing the demise of film first hand.
> It's happening, and no amount of wishful thinking is going to change
> it.
> I will keep you posted as to how fast it's happpening, but right now,
> it seems about 50% dead.

I just hope roll film production and processing labs hang on well after the 
death of 35mm film and all its accoutrements.

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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