Kostas Kavoussanakis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Thu, 22 Jul 2004, Mark Roberts wrote:
>> will come down. One person I know in the camera business says he thinks
>> the reason manufacturers are replacing their 3MP digicams with
>> 4MP-and-up versions is that they are expecting 3MP phone cameras to
>> become commonplace before too long.
>I was talking with the wife yesterday who knows next to nowt about
>photography and equipment, and claimed that, given the same
>operator, pictures are taken by lenses, not cameras. Sure, I was
>referring to film, where you can assume the same medium. Is the sensor
>so much more important than lenses in digital photography? And what
>kind of lens can you stick on a phone?
>Oh, and I conveniently forgot that comparing by the MP, is (almost)
>like comparing films by the ISO setting; there are so many other
>parameters, notably sensor surface and its effect to noise.

True. But as I said, I heard this from someone in *in the camera
business* - in other words, someone who knows from long experience how
the majority of consumers make their buying decisions.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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