----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chris Stoddart"
Subject: Re: Film vs Digita, was: lRe: Pentax is Dying?

> Herb Chong wrote:
> > in Japan, digital cameras have approached saturation and either
> > year or next, most digital camera sales will be replacing an
> > digital camera.
> This I can well believe simply from eyeing up the Japanese tourists
> London. So out of interest and in a spirit of bloody mindedness I
> 'C41 process Tokyo' into google. A quick amble through the hits
turns up
> quite a few labs or chains of labs there willing to process your
> Interesting, hmmm?

Well, no, not interesting at all. I can get film processed where I am
too, but at the moment, I have about 20 less choices of labs than I
had 10 years ago.
I am talking about trends, they happen over time.

William Robb

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