Look, here, us folks in the boonies are already reduced to buying B&W, 120, and 4x5 via mail order. As long as there are a few stores someplace in the world selling the stuff at anything near reasonable prices, I and probably the other 10-15 serious photographers here in town will continue to use the stuff.

The snapshooters will quit when they can not get it at the local Wal-Mart, that seems to be coming real soon now, just as they quit using their Box Brownies when they could no longer get 620 at the local drug store. And the folks that buy digital will sneer at film cameras, just as we did at those Box Brownies when I was a kid. Nothing has changed any more than it did in the past.

Another thing to think about, watches are all digital now. Except for some reason there are a few very expensive mechanical watches still made and sold. No, someone who is in the market for a plastic Timex probably never even heard of a Patti-Phillip, but that does not mean there is no market for them.

No, you modern guys go digital. I will continue to use film (except eventually for snapshots), only wishing I still had my Linhof Super Technika, and Rolleiflex 2.8E-2; or could afford to replace them. For those who have never had the pleasure of using top of the line mechanical cameras from the late 50's, I feel sorry. Build quality has just never been up to that level since.


Rob Studdert wrote:

On 22 Jul 2004 at 9:50, Chris Stoddart wrote:

And I am honestly prepared to stand up here in a couple of years(?) and
say "I was wrong" if that's the case and I can't get film without
a struggle anymore. I'll be really, really disappointed that I can't

I love shooting film (well that's what I tell myself) then I have a little think about just how much film my 35mm cameras has seen since my *ist D purchase and it doesn't look good (for film). And I know I'm not alone in this behaviour too. Unfortunately all the best intentions won't be all that's required to keep film viable.

Rob Studdert HURSTVILLE AUSTRALIA Tel +61-2-9554-4110 UTC(GMT) +10 Hours [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://members.ozemail.com.au/~distudio/publications/ Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

-- graywolf http://graywolfphoto.com/graywolf.html

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