On Thu, 22 Jul 2004, Mark Roberts wrote:

> will come down. One person I know in the camera business says he thinks
> the reason manufacturers are replacing their 3MP digicams with
> 4MP-and-up versions is that they are expecting 3MP phone cameras to
> become commonplace before too long.

I was talking with the wife yesterday who knows next to nowt about
photography and equipment, and claimed that, given the same
operator, pictures are taken by lenses, not cameras. Sure, I was
referring to film, where you can assume the same medium. Is the sensor
so much more important than lenses in digital photography? And what
kind of lens can you stick on a phone?

Oh, and I conveniently forgot that comparing by the MP, is (almost)
like comparing films by the ISO setting; there are so many other
parameters, notably sensor surface and its effect to noise.


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