Don Sanderson asked:

"I just read an article saying that flash was the best way to shoot macro
shots. It cited the fact that both faster shutter speed to prevent blur and
smaller aperture for added DOF could be used. I have several Pentax TTL
units to try this out with. Have any of you tried this? What setup did you
use ? Did you LIKE the results?
I'd always imagined the light would be too harsh to look "natural"."

I use a ringflash or the AF360FGZ for macro flash work but I prefer to work
with natural light when possible.

Bugs can be extremely reflective and I hate the bright highlights I get with
flash. Ringlights give you very (or no) soft shadows when used on the lens
and odd looking circular highlights on round reflective surfaces (I have a
slide of some ants attacking a caterpillar with multiple highlights on the
ants). Those highlights are the main reason I prefer to work with natural

Ringflashes can give you soft shadows that give you the three dimensional
look in your pictures if you use it off the lens. I mount my camera on a
tripod and hold the ringlight off to the side. In my experience, a normal
flash used in this manner throws shadows that are too strong to look right.

Ringlights allow you to work very closely to your subject without worrying
about the lens blocking the flash. I use my AF360FGZ (it tilts slightly
downward - very helpful) when I'm not working quite so close. Ringlights are
generally too weak to use at any distance.

I hope this helps.

Tom Reese

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