mike wilson wrote:

> For me, there would be a number of factors:
> 1. How rare is it?
> 2. How bad is the fungus?
> 3. How much does it cost?
> 4. How much will the repair cost?
> 5. Will the repair be successful?
> 6. How badly do I want it?
> With fungus, given its penchant for cross fertilisation, so 
> to speak, the lens would have to be exceptionally cheap.  You 
> would, with very few exceptions, have to virtually give it to me.

All relevant points! Has anyone had a lens sent away for repair in respect
of fungal removal, and if so, was it successful? I am certainly not keen on
infecting other equipment and would isolate such a lens. 

Thanks for all the input on this question folks.


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