Bob W wrote:

> Yes. I had a Leica lens with fungus which I sent away for 
> inspection by some Geordie lab technician - Mike Wilson, I 
> think his name is <g>.
> He shook his head, tut-tutted a little, and said something 
> beginning "I'm afraid it's bad news, Sir...".

> I dropped the lens in the bin and let the garbologists take 
> it away. I didn't want it in the house with thousands of £s 
> worth of other lenses.

Well, that bit isn't funny. I can understand why you did this though. 

It really is a case for guessing about a lens and having a good look for
yourself first, before committing yourself to purchase of a lens, however
cheap. This pretty much rules out internet auction purchases, unless you get
it for not much more than postage then. There is a largish cart boot sale
every Sunday near me which often has camera lenses - yet to have a K mount
when I have been there - and I have fancied a go, if something interesting
came up. I'm still undecided now but better informed...


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